Custom Model Railroad Construction
It is a grand thing, this railroad business. There is something about it that gets into our blood. It weaves a spell over us, and it is, forsooth, an endless fascinating spell. Of all the dear things of our childhood that remain with us, priceless, intact, and secure, the lure of railroading stands preeminent. At the sound of a whistle, at the sight of that distant red glow in the night sky, we are kids again. -- Raymind F. Yates, Making and Operating Model Railroads 1943

All of our products are developed with your dreams in mind. From N Scale to HO and O Scales, your wants and our expertise create a uniquely designed layout, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
From elevated grades to sloping hillsides and bustling rail yards, our innovative and affordable systems put you on track to build your railroad dynasty.
Not sure where to start? Contact us today at (859) 577-5007
Model Train Layout and Benchwork
Made of 1×4 number 2 pine framing, our benchwork offers durability and many years of service. All of our joints are glued and fastened with 3” countersunk flathead wood screws. Pre-drilled 1-1/2 connecting pilot “T” nuts and electrical conduit holes allow for quick and easy assembly or disassembly. Better yet, our design allows you to grow your railroad by adding or removing sections effortlessly.
In addition to the framing, we can also custom-build storage cabinetry and operating panels. This enables you to store rolling stock and scenery while operating your layout without seeing your benchwork or accessories.

Call our office today at (859) 577-5007, and let's get started!